Environmental Management System


The 1st article namely “Tackling agricultural diffuse pollution: What might uptake of farmer-preferred measures deliver for emissions to water and air?” and the author of this article are A.L. Collins and others. The 2nd article is “Energy recovery alternatives for the sustainable management of olive oil industry waste in Australia: life cycle assessment” and the author of this article is Ali El Hanandeh. The 3rd article is “The role of life cycle assessment in supporting sustainable agri-food systems: A review of the challenges” and the author are Bruno Notarnicola and others. The 4th article is “The limitations of environmental management systems in Australian agriculture” and the author is John Cary and Anna Roberts. The topic of this article is the boundaries of surrounding management processes in the agriculture of Australia. The 5th article is “Exploring the link between institutional pressures and environmental management systems effectiveness: An empirical study” and the author of this article is Tiberio Daddi and others. “Modification of agricultural waste/by-products for enhanced phosphate removal and recovery: Potential and obstacles” is the 6th article of this essay and the author of this article are T.A.H. Nguyen and others. The 7th article is “Wind energy development and its environmental impact: A review” and the author of this article are Dennis Y.C. Leung and Yuan Yang. The 8th article is “How can Cleaner Production practices contribute to meet ISO 14001 requirements? Critical analysis from a survey with industrial companies” and the author of this article are Jose´ Augusto de Oliveira. The 9th article of this essay is “Environmental life cycle assessment as a tool for identification and assessment of environmental aspects in environmental management systems (EMS) part 1: methodology” and the author of this article is Anna Lewandowska.

This essay will highlight the topic merits and demerits of Environmental Management System. The EMS is a database and system that includes processes and methods for training of monitoring, examining, summarizing, personnel and reporting of specialized environmental presentation information to external and internal stakeholders of an organization. It is an information technology solution for following the environmental data for an organization as portion of their total environmental management system. This essay will shed light on the 9 given articles. This article includes an important challenge related to Mitigation of agricultural diffuse pollution; it simulates median release reduction ranged among 7& to 20%. The topic of this article is about the olive oil. The olive oil company in Australia has been improving at a rate of 9%. The highly polluting solid waste creates important challenges. The topic of this article is the role of the life cycle in helping the sustainable agri food process. This article make connect the institutional pressures and the surrounding management processes effectiveness. This article includes agricultural waste. This article includes wind energy improvement and its impact of surroundings. The topic of this article is the process to meet ISO 14001.  The article includes the environmental life cycle which is a tool for reorganization of the surrounding aspects in the Environmental Management System.


The topic of the essay has projected the significance of environmental management system, which will be helping to minimize the pressure based on the concept of reduction in emission on the part of water and air.  Disadvantages of the environmental management system and its advantages in institutional pressures has presented about the specification based on the scenario of projection of issues that comes up with the help of presence of environmental management system. On the other hand, the propagation of the environmental management system that has delved with the propagation of resolving tactics to descend voluntarily updates (Collins et al., 2016). This will be developing the voluntary updates based on the implication of EMS.


Figure 1: Environmental Management System

(Source: Hanandeh, 2015)

The disadvantages of the environmental management system and its advantages in institutional pressures present the evaluation of recovery of the sustainable management of the oil industry in Australia. It has been developed with the support of life cycle alternations. Disadvantages of the environmental management system and its advantages in institutional pressures has been incorporated through the support of mitigating the disadvantages that are present in the olive oil industry that has been affected due to the presence of various alternatives techniques (Hanandeh, 2015). The framework has been encapsulated through the advantageous regarding mitigating steps, which will be collaborating through the support of fuel with the usage of domestic water heater.  On the other hand, the environmental management system has come up with the inclusion of sustainable agri –food that has presented the number of issues and disadvantages on the part of the study.   The environmental management system has primarily tends to provide the importance of sustainable approach on the part of agri-food that includes the involvement of life cycle procedure (Notarnicola et al., 2017).  It has come up with the presence of positive involvement of the life cycle assessment based on the concept of waste management, which can be portrayed by the help of logistics. The collaboration of the logistics helps to reflect the advantages that can put forward through the support of number of fertilizers.


Figure 2: Procedure of Environmental Management System

(Source: Notarnicola et al., 2017)

The environmental management system has come up with the projection based on the presence of disadvantages that is based on the part of EMS in Australia. This environmental management system evaluated the advantages of environmental management system that creates further hurdle with the compulsion of chemical composition. It has been developed through the support of merits of the environmental management system that will enable to move with profitable results (Cary and Roberts, 2011). The framework will be portraying the types of practices that can be included under the domain of environmental management system. This will be helping to present the evaluation of the presence of mixed practices, which would be select in public r private usage.   The environmental management system has provided the interlink age that exists between the pressure of the institutional and environmental approaches, which will be constructing through the help of environmental management system (Daddi et al., 2016). The study has presented the merits of the theory based on the concept of institutional varsity. Environmental management system has come up with the evaluation of effects that delve with the pressure on the part of the innovation. It is framework that constructs the ideology based on the presence of competitiveness on the part of environmental management system that will help to maintain the ethics.

It has come up with the presentation based on the theory of waste management that delves with collaboration of the potential impact on the results that deal with the phosphate. This has conveyed the concept based on the implication of various methods that help to maintain the ethics of the absorption level (Nguyen et al., 2014). This put the positive impacts and advantages on the part of the commercial approaches that will tend to improve the loopholes done by the environmental management system. However, the concept of EMS ash been projected through the support of modifying the techniques that will help to resolve the issues on the part of EMS.


Figure 3: Steps of Sustainable Development

(Source: Leung and Yang, 2012)

The environmental management system has come up with the specification based on the scenario of importance of the wind energy that tends to develop the influential presence on the department of EMS. The environmental management system    has presented the regulation based on the implication of environmental factors. The framework has been developed with the support of wind turbines backed by the power of environmental impacts (Leung and Yang, 2012). The presence of practice on the part of cleaner production will be dealing with the presence of ISO requirements. The propagation of this scene that is delves with the collaboration of significant approach on the part of environmental management system. The author will be presenting the evaluation of production cleaner that maintains the level of authenticity of the study (Oliveira et al., 2017).  The environmental management system has come up with the proposition of tool that will be developing the characters of the environmental life cycle. The author has come up with the presence of aspects that affect the quality of the EMS (Lewandowska, 2011). This will enable the life cycle assessment to come up with the projection based on the capturing of the key issues of the environmental management system.  


All the articles of this essay are about the Environmental Management System. The essay shows the importance of EMS that will be assisting to minimize the issues related to environment. The essay shows the evaluation of improvement of the sustainable management of Australian Oil Company and it developed with the help of life cycles. The essay represents the inclusion of sustainable agri-food which has presented many issues. The essay shows the current boundaries which is based on EMS in Australia. The framework has given the in connection age which exists between the environmental approaches and the pressure of institutions. The work piece article has shown the presentation based on the hypothesis of waste management which delves with teamwork of the potential impact on the outcomes which deal with the phosphate. The essay has shown the requirement based on the situation of the wind energy which tends to expand the powerful attendance on the section of EMS. The essay represents the presence of practices on the portion of cleaner manufacture which will be dealing with the existence of ISO needs. The framework has shown the proposal of tool which will be raising the characters of the life cycle of environment.





Cary, J. and Roberts, A., 2011. The limitations of environmental management systems in Australian agriculture. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(3), pp.878-885.

Collins, A.L., Zhang, Y.S., Winter, M., Inman, A., Jones, J.I., Johnes, P.J., Cleasby, W., Vrain, E., Lovett, A. and Noble, L., 2016. Tackling agricultural diffuse pollution: what might uptake of farmer-preferred measures deliver for emissions to water and air?. Science of the Total Environment, 547, pp.269-281.

Daddi, T., Testa, F., Frey, M. and Iraldo, F., 2016. Exploring the link between institutional pressures and environmental management systems effectiveness: An empirical study. Journal of environmental management, 183, pp.647-656.

de Oliveira, J.A., Silva, D.A.L., Guardia, M., do Nascimento Gambi, L., de Oliveira, O.J. and Ometto, A.R., 2017. How can Cleaner Production practices contribute to meet ISO 14001 requirements? Critical analysis from a survey with industrial companies. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(6), pp.1761-1774.

El Hanandeh, A., 2015. Energy recovery alternatives for the sustainable management of olive oil industry waste in Australia: life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 91, pp.78-88.

Leung, D.Y. and Yang, Y., 2012. Wind energy development and its environmental impact: A review. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 16(1), pp.1031-1039.

Lewandowska, A., 2011. Environmental life cycle assessment as a tool for identification and assessment of environmental aspects in environmental management systems (EMS) part 1: methodology. The international journal of life cycle assessment, 16(2), pp.178-186.

Nguyen, T.A.H., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W.S., Zhang, J., Liang, S., Lee, D.J., Nguyen, P.D. and Bui, X.T., 2014. Modification of agricultural waste/by-products for enhanced phosphate removal and recovery: potential and obstacles. Bioresource Technology, 169, pp.750-762.

Notarnicola, B., Sala, S., Anton, A., McLaren, S.J., Saouter, E. and Sonesson, U., 2017. The role of life cycle assessment in supporting sustainable agri-food systems: A review of the challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, pp.399-409.

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