Deforestation in Australia

Deforestation is the procedure to make the land clean by cutting and removing the natural forest of a particular area (Bjornlund, 2010). There is no replacement of trees or in other words there is no reforestation procedure after Deforestation. The deforestation of a land is done for any non-forest use of the land. For different purposes deforestation is done among which farming, ranching, urbanization etc is very much important.

Explanation of Slide 3 (Deforestation in Australia)

The deforestation in Australia takes the case of forest cut and this causes salinity of the soil of Australia at a great extent. The down slope water quality and the downstream of Australian areas are affected badly due to the draining of saline water which is caused by Deforestation. A statistics regarding this matter explores that 7% of the agricultural area of Western Australia is suffering from the problem of salinity of the soil which was evolved for the deforestation in Australia (Bograkos, 2014). More studies regarding this matter says the wet tropic of Australia where the soil of the land has a very limited capability to recover from deforestation.

Explanation of Slide 4 (Reasons of Deforestation)

Commercial Agriculture is the most important reason for deforestation (Clerici et al, 2013). For different reasons in commercialization like, forest clearing, pasture, cropland and tree plantation deforestation is possible. Another reason for deforestation is Cattle Ranching. Deforestation is driven by the want to meet the global demand for meat for which more and more cattle should be produced and ranching is the best way to increase the cattle production. The Logging of Timber legally or illegally causes the deforestation in Australia a lot. Infrastructure Building like highway, factory of an industry etc are also responsible for deforestation in Australia. Besides this, Mining, Charcoal Production and Firewood collection are also the effective reasons for deforestation (Flaherty, 2008).

Explanation of Slide 5 (Effect of Deforestation)

The loss of habitat of the animals and plants produces the loss of the animals and plants of the particular species. It is the most unsettling and dangerous effect of deforestation. The loss of habitats is not only of the unknown animals and plants to us but also some unknown also. The deforestation of Australia makes a question of survival for the 70% of land animals and plants of Australia. In addition to this the deforestation in Australia produces a lot of green house gases into the atmosphere. This also creates the lack of oxygen in the air and deforestation is also responsible for the short of rain fall in Australia. The water in the atmosphere can be controlled by the natural trees (Macanović and Kuprešanin, 2014). The required amount of water in atmosphere falls due to the fewer trees in the nature of Australia. Soil erosions and the related effect flood are very much common in Australia due the Deforestation. Some evict indigenous tribes of Australia become homeless for the destruction of forest (Rosa, 2012).

Explanation of Slide 6 (Deforestation and Wildlife of Australia)

The herbivorous animals of Australia are depending on the huge amount of trees as their foods are undernourishment and this fact lead to death of these types of animals. There are some animals too who are dependent on these type of animals for the same reason and their survival also is under risk for this reason (Folmer and Van, 2012). The wildlife animals are shifting to the urban areas. This is the reason on imbalance in the life of wild animals as well as the ecosystem of Australia. The Green House effect is also there in the life of the wild animals of Australia. Change in the amount of Green house gases in air affects the wildlife of Australia.

Explanation of Slide 7 (Comparison with other countries of Deforestation)

According to Owens (2009) the annual destruction rate of the forest in the whole world is going to be double within the next decade. The temperate and the sub-tropical areas are the most affected parts of the world in deforestation. There is a very low significance of the deforestation in the temperate countries now. So under this situation the actual definition of forestation become very much volatile. But compared to Australia other countries of tropical forests took much more attention in between 1990 to 2010 (Spilsbury, 2010).

Explanation of Slide 8 (Environmental Degradation)

Deforestation is a very much related cause of Deforestation. Environmental degradation causes a very much effective change in the environment of Australia. It actually implies a deterioration of the environment. The resources like, air, soil, land and water are depleted in environmental degradation (DEF, 2012). The ecosystem and the wildlife of Australia destroyed due to the environmental degradation. Some undesirable and deleterious changes in the environment of Australia occur for the Environmental degradation. If the potentially renewable resources like, grassland, forest, wildlife etc. of Australia stops to be renewed is extracted at a faster rate than it is replaced then the Environmental Degradation comes forward.

Explanation of Slide 9 (Remedies taken for Deforestation in Australia)

The trees are being destroyed at an alarming rate but it is the only source of production of natural oxygen which is the most essential one for the validity of life (Spray and Moran, 2014). Our daily routine – shopping, driving or even eating are powered by the result of deforestation. But we must combat the deforestation procedure any way. There are mainly five ways to do so. These are –

1.      Plantation

2.      Recycling

3.      Government certification on wood and wooden products

4.      Paperless life lead

5.      Eating vegetarian meals as often as possible


Explanation of Slide 10 (Conclusion)

The spatial management and the use of low or degraded competition lands can be very much effective for the minimization of the trade off of lands in between the forest and the agriculture. In the words of Vukojević (2014) urgent actions should be explored to face the challenges due to the often change in climate of Australia. The traditional ways of life should be maintained to save the environmentally important forest ecosystem of Australia.



Bjornlund, L. (2010). Deforestation. San Diego, CA: ReferencePoint Press.

Folmer, H. and Van Kooten, G. (2012). Deforestation. Victoria, B.C.: Resource Economics & Policy Analysis Research Group, Dept. of Economics, University of Victoria.

Owens, C. (2009). Deforestation. [Chanhassen, MN]: Child's World.

Spilsbury, R. (2010). Deforestation crisis. New York: Rosen Central.

Spray, S. and Moran, M. (2014). Tropical deforestation. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield


Bograkos, W. (2014). Maritime Terrorism. Journal of Defense Management, 04(01).

Clerici, M., Combal, B., Pekel, J., Dubois, G., van't Klooster, J., Skøien, J. and Bartholomé, E. (2013). The eStation, an Earth Observation processing service in support to ecological monitoring. Ecological Informatics, 18, pp.162-170.

Flaherty, N. (2008). Hi-def goes wireless. Engineering & Technology, 3(15), pp.74-75.

Macanović, N. and KupreÅ¡anin, J. (2014). ZAÅ TITA MLADIH OD UTICAJA DESTRUKTIVNIH SEKTI. DEF, 1(35).

Rosa, C. (2012). DEF-GHI. Revista de Comunicación & Arte. SigSen, 1(13).

Sensed by a DEF Domain. (2012). Science Signaling, 2002(145), pp.tw293-tw293.



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