MGT601 Dynamic Leadership


The global business environment needs the leadership that can be more conscious of many factors. Many consciousness will further assists in efficient planning, support and sustain the organisation, enable for the growth for the continued performance into the future. Leaders should foster different awareness for the position of the organisation position externally and internally within the markets on the international level. The rewards and risks in the new-era contexts, even if we neglect the simple reality, many business were seen as well as focused to functions under different principles that no longer apply for twenty-first century under which they will be performing. If the leaders are not willing to acknowledge the changed business landscape, their functions as leaders will not provide the organisation. The present study will be reflecting on the self-development as a leader to build the self-awareness. The assignment will discussed about critical reflection on key leadership theories develop the personal leadership development strategy.

Self- development as a leader to build self-awareness

Self-reflection at the simplest defined as taking the time to contemplate, think, examines and assessment as a part of growing your self-awareness. Self-reflection relying on the leadership means focusing out the time to review as a leader as well as serious for the growth of the leadership. It involves analysing the current equal of skills, weakness, and assets behavioural and how to seek or effect the other (Schwatka et al. 2019). It is also related to interrogating the goals, values as well as ambitions. Effectively, companies will staff members that have efficient level of emotional intelligence impact the bottom line. Emotional individual know how to interact the needs and opinions in an effective way while respective to the others. 

All this serves to develop the self-knowledge, authenticity as well as growth. Self-reflection can as well as should occur the leadership styles of roles. In my coaching practice. I see two women who are reticent related to ambitions and modest about the experience as well as achievements (Pilbeam et al. 2016). Self-knowledge and self-reflection means exploring who the individual are and what the individual want the leadership to look like. This further take a huge consideration not the values as well as passions but further includes recognising the strength as well as acknowledging the experiences and skills. Understanding the individual values is the initial step to self-awareness as well as is asignificant areas of self-reflection in leadership. The individual develop the most important values effectively.

Values based leadership sets the tone related to the organisation, from the top. The values drive the behaviour affecting on how the individual respond to the encounter and issues. They also provide an example for others in the organisations. It is important to look at how the personal relates with the values of organisation the individual working on. This develops the effectiveness of the communication as well as the better outcomes (Tremblay et al. 2016).

Critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy

Great man theory

Analysing in many ways to Great man theory, trait theories predicts that individuals inherit certain traits and quality as well as traits that further focus them suited to leadership. Trait theories will classifymy personality or behavioural functions shared by the leaders. For instance, the traits such as extroversion, courage and confidence are defined as all the traits that can be further linked personally to a huge leaders (Posner, 2016). This may involve the programs related to employee recognition and contests. Successful leaders needs to be attentive to critics who may involve the contests as well as employee the recognition programs. 

Trait theory

Identifying in many ways, to Great Man theories, trait theories predicts that the people receivesome traits and qualities that implements them suitable to leadership. Trait theories determine mynature or the behavioural features share by the leaders. There are many people including me who possess the individual personality traits linked with the leadership there are different people who further lack many of the initial traits linked with the efficient leaderships as well as excels at the leading groups. If the individual traits are initial structures of the leadership, then I can further possess those qualities (Dunst et al. 2018). This reason is initial problems in apply in the trait theories to explain the leadership. There are many people along with me who own the personality traits linked with the leadership, yet many of the people never focus out the leaderships. There are many people including me who are lacking some of the initial traits of linked with the efficient leadership as well as excel at the foremost groups.

Contingency theory

Contingency theories of management of leadership relied on the individual variables linked with the environment that may identify the individual style of leadership is suited more efficient for the circumstances. As per the theory, no such leadership style is best in the entire conditions. The leader’s researcher Hodgson and White suggest the truly efficient leadership is not just about the qualities of leaders. It is a huge emerging way for individual within the organisation to manage the projects or to take the other role within the company to gain the experience (Bryan et al. 2017).

It is a way where the individual’s professional can develop both the concentrations as well as their careers and it is analyse as integral means by which excellence of specialised services can be maintained, thereby comforting recipient along with this purchaser of those service.

It is about arresting the correct stability among the needs, behaviour as well as context. Efficient leaders has the potentiality to assess the needs of the groups, take stock the circumstances as well as adjust the behaviours effectively (Salovaara & Bathurst, 2018). Success relies on the number the variables involving the leadership style, potentials of followers as well as aspects of situations as per the qualities of aspects as well as followers of situations.

Situational theory
Situational theoriesof leadership recommends that the no single the management style is best.Apart from that, it all relies on situations at hand along with what type of the plans as well as leaderships as well as strategies are effective suited to the tasks. As per the theory, the efficient leaders are those that are able to acquire the style towards the situations as well as look at some cues such as different tasks, nature of the group along with different factors that may further underwrite to get the job completed.

Figure 1: leadership theory

(Source: self-created)

Capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in your workplace and community organisations

The ability to determine the leadership style of the team members in order to achieve the organisational demands is a complex element of the entire leadership development picture. Leaders are tasked with guiding efficiently organisational goal achievement, while determining the team members’ skills important to produce the expected sectional output (Bellibas & Liu, 2018). The determination on balanced talent management with the organisational culture, the potentiality will focus on the company on a route of meeting the performance access. Motivating the team members towards the goal attainment is not a small tasks. Essentially, the leaders needs to reflect the behaviour that motivate and inspire the people to change.

With the help of motivation factor rages across the company, there are various qualities of leaderships to the effective leaders. Therefore, the qualities of leadership that determines the goals achievement that involve the major potentiality to create the ability to create vision, the vision to understand the organisational culture, the potentiality to consider the performance development, as well as ability to encourage the innovation (Skarholt et al. 2016).

Awareness regarding the foundations that enables the organisation to display for goal attainment. Relying on level of leadership, many leaders are nor relying for generating the vision for the organisation. Leaders may involve team members in the entire activities that correlate to the fulfilment of growth, revenue as well as organisational culture goals. Team members may further rainstorm to improve the communication among the sections targeting developed organisational culture (Davis & Boudreaux, 2019). The activity enables the team to focus on the meeting the departmental tasks that helps in translating to the company vision and goals.

Vision is defined as the foundation that enables the organisation to implement on the goals achievement. Awareness of the vision regarding on the organisation provides a directional compass for each contributor for making the vision for the organisation. They are further accountable for enunciating the vision as well as aligning the team followers to performance strategies (Galloway & Ishimaru, 2017). They are also responsible for taking the steps important to meet the priorities aligned to the vision.

To build the organisation of understanding and mutual respects, leaders must analyse the behavioural patterns that distribute to expected culture. In this circumstance, he or she will continue efforts that build the unity within the organisation. This may involve the employee recognition programs and contests. Successful leaders needs to be attentive to detractors who may involve the contests as well as employee the recognition programs.

Successful leader’s needs to be more attentive to critics that may further portend the ideal culture. To receive awareness of assumptions and attitudes that may focus on the presentation, the leaders may focus the group on surveys to determine the team members require to create the enhanced culture (Noman, Hashim & Abdullah, 2018). Determining the greeting environment where staff members are free to involve for developed the ingenuity and creativity.

Practicing coaching others to enhance self-awareness and core communication skills for emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence continues to be an emerging skills to have in the world. Many individual may be analysing why emotional intelligence continues to develop the importance within peers in the developing workplace. Moreover, emotional intelligence is not a trend. There are many companies have fulfilled statistical evidence that the staff members with the emotional intelligence is not trend (Salovaara & Bathurst, 2018). Major companies have complied statistical proof that employee for emotional intelligence influence the bottom line.

Effectively, businesses will staff members that have efficient level of emotional intelligence impact the bottom line. Effectively, companies with the staff members have the effective levels of the emotional intelligence affect the major increases the total sales and productivity. Assertive communication move towards the earning respect without being so aggressive or so much passive. Emotional individual know how to interact the needs and opinions in an effective way while respective to the others.

Emphasis on active listening, building empathy, giving and receiving feedback

They understand the conflict the goal is resolutions as well as they make the huge choice to highlight on making sure that the actions and words are in arrangement. Expressively people are self-motivated and the attitude inspires others. They set goals and are resident in challenging face. Emotional people are proved to intuitive and self-aware (Schwatka et al. 2019). They are aware of the individual emotions as well as how they can impact those with them. They also pick implement on the body language as well as emotions and apply the information to develop th3e communication skills.

Organisation thrive when the availability the presence of the creative by applyingthinking or mind charting to develop the ideas to rectify the business problems. With the personal knowledge, leading teams that grow the ideas generated improved the professional growth, teamwork as well as ability towards the system with the others. It is a huge emerging way for individual within the organisation to manage the schemes or to take the other role inside the company to gain the experience.

Technique of reflective and reflexive practice of continuous learning and self-development

Reflective practice is an emerging term along with the evolving framework for the effective methods of self-improvement. Therefore, the reflective practice is defined as the types of assessing the own movements and thoughts for the different purpose of individual development and learning. Reflective practice is defined as the flexible process. It is a set of thoughts that can be further applied alongside as well as many other perceptions for learning, training, self-=-improvement and personal development (Schwatka et al. 2019). Eventually, these principles terminology as well as behind theory are conveyed and defined within the aspects Reflective Practice as well as with the supporting framework application and terminology. Reflective practice allows the clearer thinking as well as reduced the tendencies towards the emotional bias. 

Reflective practice can support the individual to understand the individual intentions. Vision, values as well as help the individual to perform in a challenging field where the morals and ethics may be measured where the power relations may be unequal as well as where the individual be working in physically and emotionally demanding environments. Therefore, the development professionals can further benefits from acquiring the innovative and creative approaches to the creative practice. Generating the places for the replication provides the option of altering not only specific knowledge but also the relationships with the systems and organisation and those systems individually (Salovaara & Bathurst, 2018). Focusing on the reflective journal as well as it is called the learning journal which is the way to imitate through the recording feelings, ideas, visions and comments. It is implemented on a computer or a paper.

Practice organisational intelligence

The organisations have two phases, such as formal structure framed on the organisational chart as well as the informal structure which represents how much the things. Savvy leaders understand both. The leaders view politics as the mandatory part of organisation life that can be further used the constructive as the ethically to manage the organisational aims.

Promote yourself promote the team

Self-promotion is seen as selfishness or bagging.  But influential leaders analyse that by developing themselves effectively, for the right reasons, they can further cut with the information that encourages us every day. Two self-promotion strategies stand efficiently. Initially, leaders who are better at this knowledge and skills find ways to collect the evidence. They may asks more individuals to be the effective part of the team, problem solving process, initiative. Secondly, the self-promoters search ways to develop the strategies. Leaders search ways to step into the spotlight at choose meetings and events, crating the individual events.

Leverage the network

Lastly, the leaders who are skilled at determining the other cultivate and recognise the power of network.  The company are dynamic, they focus in shape and size of time. Influential leaders realise the individual networks must be more organisations should be dynamics and they further growth as then strengthen the networks. They are also strategic related to selecting how to tap into the network. 


Figure 2: Technique of reflective and reflexive practice

(Source: self-created)

Application of CPD

CPD is seem as integral to expertaction for three reason such as it is essential to the development of specialised status, forming the energetic part of my profession-growth, it is integral method in which the individual professional status, forming vital part of the professional building. It is a way in which professional can develop both the specialisations as well as their occupations and it is analyse as integral means by that quality of professional services can be upheld, thereby comforting recipient along with this purchaser of those service. CPD has also crucial to professional in relation with the individual career development. But of increasing crucial at this time is the main apparent link within the excellence of professional service as well as CPD (Posner, 2016). It is implemented, individually in the healthcare background that the safety of clients can be maintained if the professionals are dedicated to informing the practices and knowledge. There is the huge problem of measurement and monitoring of CPD. An input based model identifies this by recording the presence, apart from assessing the outcomes of participation.

 The problem is that competency framework do not give themselves to the professional movement for the numerous reasons. Initially, work-relatedvalues are seemed to be much powered measure as well as do not fit the valuation of the professional capability, which in repetition includes the specialised and individual decisions that that relate initially to each unique consultations. Secondly, the initial inflexibility of occupational values in normal hamper the applications as well as despite the eagerness for them in NHS, they are not will relate to the activesetting of the emerging health sector.

This is established by the body of effort entitled Standards in common an occupational valuesoutline enlarged by six of the Profession Allied to Medicine. Understanding the personal values is the initial step to self-awareness as well as is asignificant areas of self-reflection in leadership. The individual develop the most important values effectively (Noman, Hashim & Abdullah, 2018). It is important to look at how the personal relates with the values of organisation the individual working on. This develops the effectiveness of the communication as well as the better outcomes.

They determine my personality or the behavioural characteristics share by the leaders. There are many people including me who possess the individual personality traits linked with the leadership there are different people who further lack some of the initial traits linked with the efficient leaderships as well as excels at the leading groups. Effectively, companies will staff members that have efficient level of emotional intelligence impact the bottom line. Emotional individual know how to interact the needs and opinions in an effective way while respective to the others. 


From the above discussions, it can be concluded that leaders should cater different awareness for the specific position of the organisation position internally and externally within the emerging markets on the international stage. Self-reflection at the initial means taking the time to think, contemplate, review and examines as an individual part of maximising the self-awareness. Analysing the personal values is the central step to self-awareness along with this it is a crucial areas of self-reflection in relation to leadership. The individual enhance the most crucial values efficiently.  Therefore, the trait theories will further determine the behavioural or personality shared by the leaders. The traits such as courage as well as confidence are defined as the traits that could be related to the personality to an efficient leaders. The main effective leaders are those who have the potentiality towards the circumstances along with having a look at some prompts such as different tasks, nature of the group along with different factors that may further contribute to get the job completed.

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