Safeguarding Issues


Safeguarding can be considered as the term, which is utilized in the United Kingdom and Ireland in order to denote the measurement and to protect the health, well-being plus human privileges of the individuals. It can be considered as very useful for the individual especially for the children and young people in order to live free from abuse, neglect and harm (Stewart and MacIntyre, 2017). The following assessment has been development based on the issue of safeguarding. In this regard it has been found in present day that there are several safeguarding issues. All of those issues will be addressed here in this assessment. This will reveal as well the risk drawing on legislation along with the policy frame work. In addition, this will provide the ways, whichcan be useful for the solution of those issues. In the last part of this assessment, this will highlight the awareness of the anti-oppressive practice plus awareness of the ethical dilemmas as well.

Identification of the Safeguarding issues

There are several safeguarding issues while among those it has been found that six issues are very vital to be prioritized on. In this context, it can be said that crime of gang plus knife is one of the most common issues. As per the case study, this can be said that it identifies the safeguard issue is domestic abuse. Apart from that, the crime of gang plus knife, this can be revealed that female genital mutilation is one of the other issues in term of safeguarding.Prevent along with radicalisation can be considered as the safeguard issue that have to be prioritized. Based on the opinion of Hill et al. (2016), this has been revealed that radicalization is the procedure with the help of which a person or a team comes to adopt. Apart from that, this can be said that the results of the radicalization are shaped with the assistance of the ideas of the society at large. For instance, radicalism can initiate from a broad social consensus against the progressive changes in the society or from a broad desire for the change in the society. Moreover, there are few other issues as well, which are types of abuse, online safety and bullying, which includes cyber bullying. Internet can be considered as one of the useful platform for the children to create, learn along with have fun. However, they have to deal with diverse challenging issues and cyber bullying is one of the main among all.Based on the opinion of Peckover and Golding(2017), cyberbullying can be revealed as the form of bullying or harassment, which is using the electronic means. Cyber bulling and the cyber harassment is also known as the online bullying.This can be consideredas the utilization of the technology for harassing, threading and embarrassing another person.

Risk drawing on legislation

In order make an assessment of risk drawing on the legislation, this can be said that six steps needs to be followed and those can be considered as very useful for the legal risk management. In this context, first one has tochosen a framework, which is highly required for it. After that this can be said that achieving the organizational commitment is necessary or the risk management. Based on the opinion of Love et al. (2019), making the identification of the legal risks is the third step and this is useful for the assessment of the risk drawing. After the identification of the risks, those have to be analyzed. In this regard, evaluation of the identified legal risksis necessary for the risk assessment. At last step, communication and advice is important to complete the assessment of the risk drawing legislation.

Policy framework

In order make this framework few safeguarding principles have to be followed and those are given below.

  • The department make the promotion of the strong, proactive and one culture, which increase the childe awareness.
  • Child and his or her families are encompassed in the decision making.
  • Service providers and department collaborate to regulate (Wood, 2016).
  • The department makes sure the proper care plus welfarearrangements.

Practice and strategies to address this risk and promote wellbeing

Employability solutions independent school can be considered as the fully committed to the safeguarding of the children. In this regard, it has been found that there are four strategies, which is highly important to deal with the safeguard issues.

  • Emphasises trustee awareness along with prevention
  • Explanation of the supervisory of the commission along with monitoring the role
  • Description of the process of cooperation with the other agencies (Stewart and MacIntyre, 2017)
  • Explanations of the process and timing of its intervenes, which encompasses the scope and intention of the regulatory engagement

Awareness of Anti-Oppressive Practice

The anti-oppressive practice is a major approach that delineates a practice of social work in order to mitigate oppression of social and economic conditions. In accordance with the provided case study the mitigation of anti-oppressive practices is a steady requirement for solving the relevant issues and gaps. In the opinion of Boone et al. (2018), the socio cultural and economic barriers and gap can be fulfilled through proper understanding of the strategic implementation that is highly required to be implemented through creation of egalitarian environment. This egalitarian environment needs to be highly free from racism, oppression and large scale discriminations that can cause ethical harm to the society and the individuals involved in it.

In accordance with the case study, there needs to be a proper anti-oppressive model that can be useful to excruciate the various discriminations and instil faith and understanding towards stability of social strata and social unity. The anti oppressive practices can hence be fulfilled through proper understanding of the basic differences between individuals in the diverse world and thereby respecting each individual through understanding of their issues and challenges instead of blatantly discriminating people through artificially made social standards. According to the view of Ioakimidis (2016), henceforth in accordance with the case study it is extremely crucial to determine and develop proper strategies for identification of issues that are causing oppressive actions and are demolishing the emotion of the people concerned in the social strata. Oppressions can be various starting from individual oppression, cultural oppression, and institutional oppression that can inflict harm upon other people. Thus in order to formulate anti-oppression strategies, the people need to identify the basis of establishing the solutions through identification of oppression types.

Awareness of Ethical Dilemmas

The values and moral implication in relation to an individual’s emotions and feelings are considered as ethics. The breach of ethical awareness can be highly harmful for any individual or group, given that their moral indignation has been hurt and broken. Thus in accordance with the case study it can be highly understandable that the awareness of ethical dilemmas need to be properly revised and accepted among the individuals to identify the notion of moral support. The conduct of ethical approach can be highly significant in understanding the requirement of the moral philosophy and understanding the concept of right and wrong doings. In the opinion of Chen et al. (2019), ethical judgements and awareness are hence forth significant part of operation to understand the various issues through which the whole functional element in the ethical indignation can be justified and enriched through proper fulfilment of moral and ethical justifications. Ethical awareness can be highly significant in accordance with the provided case study to understand the basis on which the proper behaviour should be conducted and the children needs to be taken care of to help them identify the ways in which they can instil their faith in moral judgement. According to the view point of Latan et al. (2019), the children need to value the significance of moral judgements and are thus required to identify the importance of awareness of ethics.


The discussion shows that making the classification of the legal risks is one of the important steps and this is useful for the assessment of the risk drawing. After the detection of the risks, those are necessary to be analyzed. Discussion concludes that the evaluation of the identified legal risks is necessary for the risk assessment. For the utilization of internet, children have to deal with diverse challenging issues and cyber bullying is one of the main among all. Cyber bullying can be said as the form of bullying or harassment, which is using the electronic means. Moreover, there are few other problems as well, which are types of abuse, online safety and bullying, which includes cyber bullying. In accordance with the case study it is extremely crucial to determine and develop proper strategies for identification of issues that are causing tyrannical actions and are demolishing the emotion of the people concerned in the social layers. Internet can be considered as one of the useful platform for the children to create, learn along with have fun.



Reference List

Boone, K., Roets, G. and Roose, R., 2018. Social work, poverty and anti-poverty strategies: Creating cultural forums. The British Journal of Social Work48(8), pp.2381-2399.

Chen, A., Treviño, L.K. and Humphrey, S.E., 2019. Ethical champions, emotions, framing, and team ethical decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Hill, L., Taylor, J., Richards, F. and Reddington, S., 2016. ‘No?One Runs Away For No Reason’: Understanding Safeguarding Issues When Children and Young People Go Missing From Home. Child abuse review, 25(3), pp.192-204.

Ioakimidis, V., 2016. A guide to radical social work. The Guardian24.

Latan, H., Jabbour, C.J.C. and de Sousa Jabbour, A.B.L., 2019. Ethical awareness, ethical judgment and whistleblowing: a moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Business Ethics155(1), pp.289-304.

Love, B., Vetere, A. and Davis, P., 2019. Handling “Hot Potatoes”: Ethical, Legal, Safeguarding, and Political Quandaries of Researching Drug-Using Offenders. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, p.1609406919859713.

Peckover, S. and Golding, B., 2017. Domestic abuse and safeguarding children: critical issues for multiagency work. Child abuse review, 26(1), pp.40-50.

Stewart, A. and MacIntyre, G., 2017. Safeguarding Adults: Key Issues and Concepts. Safeguarding Adults: Key Themes and Issues, p.13.

Wood, C.B.E., 2016. Review of the role and functions of Local Safeguarding Children Boards. Report, The Stationery Office, London.



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