Examination of the Policy that Impacts on The Client Group

It can be observed that the social policy of the Australian government is very powerful and it is very successful in supporting a huge amount of people in the country. As described in the aforesaid article, it can be acknowledged that the social policy framework of the Australian Government has not only been implemented in the parliament but also at the decision-making institutions. The social policy framework of the Australian Government is one of the most accomplished and structured frameworks and it has been much use to the human resource workers for implementing the same in the grass-root level. It can be noticed that it is also very difficult to objectify the social policy framework of the Australian Government to highly complex structures. Thereby, in recent years, according to the draft of the Australian parliament authority, the social policy framework of Australian Government will be mostly implemented for the rural causes and it will be an immense pleasure for the human resource workers to work systematically by projecting the main values of the framework within the scheduled deadline.

However, it can be observed that according to the discussed scenario, it can best signify and help the client groups. While delivering the best trends of the social policy framework of Australian Government, it is one of the precious gifts for the clients, that the work practice of the human resource practitioners is becoming much more developed and sharpened for providing the best service to the participants or the client groups in a simultaneous manner.

According to the visualizations and thought mindset of the client group on the social policy framework of Australian Government, it is noted that they want the development of the country and emphasizing more on the comparative social policies. The usage of some of the comparative analysis is also practised by the human resource workers for the benefit of the client group and thereby describes the "international context of the Australian political life". As stated by Carson and Kerr (2018), it can be more personified that the social policy framework of Australian Government can be mainly used for heightening the awareness of globalization due to the extreme prevalence of international social policy. Moreover, it also provides a detailed framework and discussions on a different substantive framework, for which the client's group become more benefitted and there will be more recognition and goodwill of the Australian social policy.

On the other hand, it can be noticed that the social policy framework of Australian Government is also much important and useful for the client groups because there are different options for implementation of choices to make a better functioning of the service delivery agency and thus leading the group as the front line practitioner. In this phenomenon, different decisions are hidden and these are all formulated by the existing programs of the agencies and changing scope for the delivery in the new services. Thereby, in this manner, the service flow between the human resource workers and the client group influences and becomes stronger. In this manner, the social policy framework of the Australian Government has influenced the client group of Australia.

Influence of the policy changes

The influence of the policy changes is directly motivated by the social justice approach and also by the human services work in the same period. The underpinning of the principles is also done by the social policy framework of the Australian Government that also suggests the core policy changes for the benefit of the common people in the country (Altman, 2018). Therefore, it was the decision for the Australian government to inaugurate broad policy changes with the help of the neoliberal approaches. The neoliberal approaches are much effective for the significant changes in policy and welfare. According to Carson and Kerr (2018), it can be noted that there are also some of the social-democratic perspectives that are included within the core scenario and describe stinginess as well as the punitive nature of the right-wing neoliberal concepts. Since long years, the Australian government has been experiencing neoliberal conservative concepts as well as social policies (Bhuyan et al. 2017). Eventually, there are some of the upbringings of the concepts that are the criticism of neoliberalism, which are also much complementary. It is thereby noticed that social policy framework of the Australian Government is also structured with the neoliberalism concepts, where there is the diverse significance of different emphasis like Marxist, anti-racist and feminist.

It is since the 1980s from when the policy changes and transformations have impacted the social framework and from then, social activism increases, those were affiliated and paid by different church authorities. These were mainly done for eradicating poverty from social life. It can be observed that poverty played an important role in the quick changes and transformation of the policies in the social policy framework of the Australian Government. It is one of the important aspects that mainly influenced policy changes over the years. The maintenance and establishment of new houses, asylums as well as poor houses were done for the social cause. Furthermore, it can be noticed that the main idea was first evaluated and sectored by the United Kingdom in the past 1900s and that was like a watershed for the residents specifically of East London (Oakland, 2019). 

In recent years, the social policy framework of the Australian Government has been proposed to change because of increasing the standard of life for the poor people in the country and also accelerating their income per month. This is because to make the poverty scale negligible in the whole country. There are also some exclusive opportunities that are included within limiting capabilities that are pillared on the social and economic policies, which are processed through relevant funding mechanisms, by which the human resource practitioners have become much more effective in their respective work schedules and skills. Moreover, it can be noted that the implementation of the code of ethics is very useful procuring over human services. The expanded conceptualization is one of the important segments that can bring policy changes through the implementation of new ideas and by increasing focus on ethical practices. There are also different social practitioners and human resource workers, those have also introduced a wider policy and framework of philosophies, and those are social justice, human rights and also need for advocacy. These are the main regulators of the policy changes as well as receiving different advantages of approaches for maximizing self-determination criteria and agency in service users.

In this particular discussion in this specific section, Carson and Kerr (2018), have described that the social policy framework of the Australian Government needs to be changed for differentiating between ethics and morals. The identification of the right behaviour and the distinction between the black and white are the important phenomenon that needs to be clarified by bringing new thoughts and ideas within the social policy framework of the Australian Government. However, these are also influenced by different spiritual beliefs and it is also connected to the prevailing options that are transmitted through teaching practices (Lingard, 2016). Simultaneously, in this particular demographic of the policy changes, general public opinions are also transformed through the mass media. On the other hand, Carson and Kerr (2018), have also shed light on some peculiar distinctions that require a valid definition of the right ethical or social framework and wrong social framework at the same period. This is also one of the important chapters that are prevalent within contemporary human service practice. These are the codes that are presented as the objective framework that are ethically sound and can be delivered through subjective concepts of morals. Values that are included within the social policy framework of the Australian Government are also practised by the practitioners in the personal agencies.

However, with the development of new ideas and thoughts, anti-poverty plans have emerged for enhancing workshops of national anti-poverty plans as well as coordinating different actions against borders. The Australian parliament has also directed the committee for refurbishing the social policy framework of the Australian Government and meeting the targets that can reduce poverty targets and alleviating the causes of poverty at the same time frame. There is also an increase in the rates of the lowest social security payments (Whiteford, 2017). There are many groups of unemployed students, people and sole parents that have been facing immense problems for poverty and low average income issues. Therefore, it can be personified that new packages of thought supplements need to be ensured by the central government of the country. The cost of disability can be reduced and different assumptions for the caring of newborn children are also being implemented in the same period (Setty, Koball, Hartig and Sutcliffe, 2018).

 Likewise, in 2011, Australian council of social services has taken an important initiative where they have shown interest in mending over the prior formulations of the social policy framework of Australian Government for bringing it closer to the common people of the country before the election mandates. It has some of the core political ideologies where they have raised voices for the needs of the people that were affected by inequality and poverty. There are also 260 organizations including charity groups as well as community groups that have raised their voices for policy changes along with Australian council of social services.

Policy Making process In Australian Government Election cycle

The policymaking process in Australian Government Election Cycle is one of the unique systems and diversified in nature and practice. There are also some distinctive aspects and policy-oriented approaches. There are also some multidisciplinary aspects and properties that are also present in the Australian Government Election Cycle (Ng, 2019). It can be understood that there are various levels of policy processes, which are macro level, social policy concerns as well as different concepts and values at the same time frame. These are all signified in different varieties and options like social policy development, implementations and evaluations are also present in the same course of action.

Therefore it can be perceived and acknowledged that the whole policy-making process within the Australian Government Election Cycle is structured on the social policy concerns as well as on the macro determinants. The logical perspectives of the industrializations also provide different segments and concepts and these are also included within welfare state regimes. It can be noted that the main ingredient of the policymaking process of Australian Government Election Cycle is also based on the macro-level policy, where the election commission has delivered their views based on the philosophical concepts and also through a declaration of values. Procurement on the exact legislation and guide action can be addressed with the help of different social problems. However, according to Carson and Kerr (2018), it can be specified that dictation of interventions that are within the policymaking process improves the present condition of the Australian Government Election Cycle. In this manner, different human resource practitioners are also benefited due to the same purpose due to the changes and flexibility of macro-level recommendations and making desirable interventions.

There are also different stages of the policy cycle and according to the detailed investigation over the Australian Government Election Cycle, alignment of the cycle stages have been presented below

Four Stage policy cycle

Eight Stage policy cycle

1. Planning

1. Issue Identification

2. Policy Analysis

2. Formulation

3. Policy Instrumentation

4. consultation

5. Coordination

3. Implementation

6. Decision

7. Implementation `

4. Evaluation

8. Evaluation

Table 1: Four Stage policy cycle and Eight Stage Policy cycle

(Source: Carson and Kerr 2018)

There are also specific domains that are related to the election life cycle, which are described below:

Domain 1: Prevention of the people those are in a status of dying prematurely

Domain 2: Enhancement in the quality of life for aged people along with the long term conditions and susceptibility

Domain 3: Helping the people in recovering from all the social injury episodes

Domain 4: Ensuring the positive experience of care

Domain 5: Caring people and treating with utmost care and protection from avoidable diseases and harm.

These are the effective policies and standards that have been designed by the social care establishment of the local council and they have been also putting the patients first in the Australian social awareness business plan that have been prepared for the 2020-2021 session. It is also much related to the Australian social awareness framework for increasing the standard of social outcomes in the next financial year.


It can be concluded that social policy is one of the important policies in the Australian landscape because the introduction of the tighter eligibility criteria have been developed with the introduction of the social policies in the country. On the other hand, it can be optimised that there had been a great influence for the policy changes and that is why social policies accept the core dependencies and thereby influence different variations over the core time frame. However, in many parts of the country, it can be noted that social policies are less acceptable because it has automatically led for the human services and it cannot be rejected in the middle of implementing the policies. In most of the cases, human resource practitioners are benefited with the core application of social policies. It can be identified that in recent years, the Australian Government has specified different religious observance and enforced different observances on human resource practitioners. The understanding of the promotional well-being develops in this manner and decreases the relevant conditions of alleviating extremes of disadvantages. All-together, it can be specified that the social policy of the Australian government can be regarded as the heart of the human services within the country. An effective course of human services can be practised by the human resource practitioners based on detailed guidelines of the social policy framework of Australia.  Moreover, policy changes are much necessary for the Australian Government because, due to the policy changes, poverty can be reduced in the country, where the government should also give more stress on the socio-economic policies in the future years.


Altman, J., 2018. Beyond closing the gap: Valuing diversity in Indigenous Australia. Canberra, ACT: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR), The Australian National University.

Bhuyan, R., Jeyapal, D., Ku, J., Sakamoto, I. and Chou, E., 2017. Branding ‘Canadian Experience’in immigration policy: nation building in a neoliberal era. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18(1), pp.47-62.

Carson, E. and Kerr, K. (2018) Australian Social Policy and Human Services. Cambridge University Press. UK

Lingard, B., 2016. Think Tanks,‘policy experts’ and ‘ideas for’education policy making in Australia. The Australian Educational Researcher, 43(1), pp.15-33.

Ng, B., 2019. Politics, Policies and Media. In Textbook of Medical Administration and Leadership (pp. 185-204). Springer, Singapore.

Oakland, J., 2019. British civilization: an introduction. Routledge.

Setty, S., Koball, H., Hartig, S. and Sutcliffe, T.J., 2018. Disability Perspectives on Paid Leave: A qualitative analysis of leave-taking among workers affected by disabilities or serious health conditions.

Whiteford, P., 2017. Social security and welfare spending in Australia: Assessing long-term trends. Crawford School of Public Policy.

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