Management and Organizational Behaviour | Management Assignment Help


The primary motive of this particular assignment is to analyse and provide a mere overview of the “Management and Organisational Behaviour" on the operational performance of business organisations. The management structure of the corporation can be compromised with several principals and behavioural traits that can assist the hierarchies of the company to develop a specific shape for the business structure. The context of "Workgroups and teams” will be discussed in the assignment where the individuals of the company can become capable to develop a well-structured operational behaviour so that positive and collaborative results can be achieved within a specific timeframe. However, in respect of the context of “Power and politics," it can be seen that it mainly refers to providing the responsibility of a certain task to an appropriate individual of the company. It may include the power of right promotions and influence regarding a certain objective. The "Organizational culture" is also one of the most significant aspects that allow the upper management of the company to develop a well-structured understanding and suitable approach of the staffs among each other within the company as well.

In the analysis section of the assignment will develop a contextual framework regarding the topic. The discussion of three of the significant topics of the assignment will also be discussed in the analysis section of the assignment as well. The impacts of these aspects on the operational structure of a particular company will also be discussed in the latter section of the assignment. In the end, on the basis of the entire discussion, a conclusion will be developed as well.


A. Application of the literature research

In this particular section of the assignment, a conceptual framework will be developed on the basis of three of the chosen context. Based on the literature review of the topic a proper overview and identification of various aspects regarding three of the contexts will be critically assessed from various ranges of resources.

1. Workgroup and team

It can be observed that the work team and the group can be defined as a collection of individuals from different educational fields and excellences. Moreover, Harris and Sherblom (2018) have stated that a work team or group of individuals are the people of different backgrounds who are able to share various overviews and perceptions towards a particular context. As different type of beliefs and values have been shared within a particular organisational structure the positive responses from the organisational diversities can be understood. It may also assist the team members to overcome several challenges and obstacles from having a different type of point of view from the team individuals of the company. As the team members of a particular organisational team share the same type of values and perceptions the team-based approaches can become more advanced and result oriented. Thornton (2016) has reflected that there are different types of the workgroup and teams are available that serves a different type of services for the company and for the customers as well.

  • Functional work team:  Tekleab et al. (2016) have explained that the functional work team are mainly comprised of various organisational members so that the vertical level of hierarchies can be developed as well. In addition, it also allows the upper-level administrators of the corporation to perform specific operational tasks with apt precisions and perfections as well. The functional teams may also include accounting & finance team, marketing team and the team of human resource management. Each of these teams plays a huge role to maintain the functionality of the organisation and allow the managers to develop a high level of profitability.
  • Inter-working team:  This particular type of team are mainly developed on the basis of a multidisciplinary point of view where different team members are comprised of a wide range of knowledge and understanding. According to Van der Kleij, Kleinhuis and Young (2017) it can be acknowledged that bringing more creative and advanced knowledge regarding the operational choices of the corporation as well.  
  • Self-managed team: The self-managed team plays a significant role in governing the operational structure of the company. Moreover, this particular team are mainly operated and organised by some of the hierarchies of various organisational departments where the team-leaders mainly develop their own rules and operational strategies. According to Annosi, Monti and Martini (2020), it can be stated that the self-directed team of the organisation also known as a self-directed team where the products are services are exclusively provided with the specific team-members and departments of the corporations.
  • Project team: The project team members of the business corporation mainly initiate the strategy as a practical manner. The project team are the executors of the recommended business plan and operational strategies. According to Liu and Cross (2016), the project team mainly belongs to several groups in which various functions and operations can be incorporated on the basis of the project plan. The project manager of the team monitors the activities of the team members and also guide them properly so that the targeted objectives can be achieved within a specific timeframe. However, the project team can also be divided into different operational departments as per the demands and criteria of the clients. The sub-teams of the project explores different areas and executes the proposed project methodologies so that the targeted results can be achieved by the higher authorities of the company.    

2. Power and politics

According to Powell and Tilt (2017), it can be understood that the "power & politics" within an organisational context are the core aspect and reality that is nearly impossible to ignore by the organisational operators and decision-makers. The power and politics also related to the human-nature and is dependent on the evenest of history. Therefore, if the operators of the company tend to completely mitigate its impact and availability from the organisational structure due to its resistance its availability can still felt by the individual who is serving the corporation in the current situation. Tang (2019) has stated that both power and politics are strictly integrated along with the decision-making process of the company that basically includes no such ability to manage the cohesion of the organisation and ventilate the differences as per the own will of the individuals of the organisation.

On the other hand, it can be observed that in several cases the availability of power and politics can influence the group behaviours and performance level of the workers within the corporation as well. The power and politics also creates a significant impact on the organisational behaviours and designs and also influences the leaders of the organisation to make significant changes. Besides that, both of these concepts are fundamentally structured and influenced by the behaviours of the group members so that the problem-solving ability can become reliable to some of the specific team and department of the corporation. However, based on the point of view of Turner (2020) it can be understood that politics in the organisational structure is also essential for some different type of perspectives. Politics assists in maintaining the regime of power as people accepts and obeys the dictates of their governing authorities as to the structure of power also rely on the obedience of orders and rules that are developed by the highly powerful individuals of the organisational structure.                

B. Impact of various organisational aspects on the culture of a business corporation

Based on the case study of Company XYZ it can be understood that the "workgroup and team members" and "power and politics" plays a significant role in influencing the operating structure and organisational culture as well. However, to provide a proper overview regarding the impact of "works group and team", "power and politics" on the organisational culture of Company XYZ, various theoretical explanations will be considered. The Company XYZ can be understood as one of the most successful and renowned organisations of the retail sector that have a huge number of staffs and team members as the company has the ability to operate at a global scale.

Impact of Works groups and teams

It can be observed, that Company XYZ have a significant organisational culture that allows the sharing of different perspective and thoughts of a different group of people from various cultural backgrounds. It can be seen, workgroups and teams of Company XYZ are comprised of efficient managers and team-leaders that allow the staffs to work as per their own field of excellence and educational background. Therefore as the team members and workgroups are being allowed with utilising their own unique skills and abilities a positive scope within the functionality of the team members can be observed. An understanding relation in the teams and groups of Company XYZ can be observed that have played a critical role to develop dynamic organisational culture so that a bureaucratic and formal approach can be developed as well (Daniels et al. 2016).

Company XYX is a 100% staff-owned corporation that makes the workplace one of the unique and productive among all the other companies from a similar industry. The team-oriented culture of the organisation assists the managers to foster the innovative approaches and personal growth of the corporation so that empowerment of backward cultural groups can be ensured as well. In addition, while going through the case study of Company XYZ it can be assessed that a sincere desire can be acknowledged within the working team and groups of the company so that meaningful solutions of the cultural disputes and quality products can be served as well. There are mainly 11 members are available within the executive committee of the Company XYZ that are the responsible hierarchies for maintaining organisational culture and enhance the workforce by recruiting new team members in the operational structure. Therefore, they maintain a huge role to enhance the operational culture of the organisation.       

Impact of Power and politics

It can be seen that Company XYZ have a highly hierarchical group of individuals that mainly operates the entire workforce of the organisation. In addition, even in the store level of the retail business of the company, there are four specific levels of organisational structure. On the basis of a highly productive organisation, a proper balance in the workforce is required to be maintained so that all the specific business goals can be achieved. The control of the workforce may include giving proper independence to the staffs and all the employees to make proper business decisions. The politics and powers of the hierarchies of Company XYZ are highly stable and equally distributed as well. The managers of the organisation also assist the people from different cultural background to compensate a wide range of tasks that may assist the staffs from different cultural backgrounds to take their own decisions and utilise the skills to become responsible while achieving a significant objective (Wood, Wrigley and Coe, 2017).

Company XYZ's hierarchies use the power and politics to give a proper shape to the organisational culture and allow the same type of opportunities to all the staffs of the corporation. By using the power and politics managers of the company develops a formal working structure that may influence the team members to attempt new and enhanced strategies and techniques to complete their allocated responsibilities. In Company XYZ the politics plays an integrated role with the influence the overall productivity of the business firm as well. In addition, based on the selected case study in can be seen that, the managers of Company XYZ also involves several threats and limitations within the workforce, that may increase the probability of partiality and one-sided decision-making behaviours within the organisational workforce that may minimise the motivation level from the staffs and limits their working area (Awadari and Kanwal, 2019).  

Application of theories

Apart from the above discussion, it can be understood that, to analyse the workgroups and teams the system theory can be analysed that explains the concept of company science which reflects the study of multidisciplinary education. In addition, the discussion of system theory in respect of team and workgroup within Company XYZ it can be understood that it allows the managers of the corporation to investigate several phenomena and understand the holistic approaches so that the system thinking approach and designs can be clearly expressed. Besides that, the system theory also assists the team leaders and workgroup heads to acknowledge the social systems so that a proper interaction with all the operational entities of the corporations can be developed and an enhanced organisational culture can be developed as well. Therefore, through explaining the system thinking approach the impact of the efficiency of team members and workgroups can allow the managers to understand inter-dependent parts of the organisations so that positive work culture can be maintained as well (Deb, 2017).

Apart from that, in case of the context of political aspects and power, the theoretical perspective of Agonism can be understood. As per the theory of Agonism, it can be understood that there are several positive aspects that are available within the political conflicts. Therefore, based on a permanent place for the conflicts a proper and enhanced channel for the political hierarchies can be acknowledged within the corporation. Based on the context of Company XYZ and the availability of politics and power within the corporation it can be seen that a democratic perspective has been developed within the operational structure of the corporation that may allow each and every individual of the company to use their own skills and capabilities. As Company XYZ is completely structured based on the betterment of the staffs, the political power has been equally distributed among all of them. Therefore, based on the Agonism theory a strict and respected culture can be developed in the perception of each staff have been given with the same attention and services (Pløger, 2017).   


Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that the organisational power-politics and workgroups & teams play a huge role in shaping the organisational culture of the corporation. Therefore, these aspects are required to be properly evaluated and examined so that the positive impact of them can be achieved. The assignment has also discussed various types of work teams and operational groups that plays a different type of roles in a specific business organisation. It is also required for the corporations to properly utilise the concepts of power and politics while operating a particular business so that, the treated results can be achieved within a specific timeframe. The theoretical perspective of both of the context has also been properly discussed in the assignment based on its impacts on the organisational culture of Company XYZ.  The system theory and theory of Agonism have been explored in the later section of the assignment so that a significant understanding can be developed based on the chosen context. In terms of the perspectives of managers and staffs of Company XYZ, the availability and impacts of organisational power and politics have been discussed in the assignment as well.


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